Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Common Renovation Terms to Know

Before investing your money on anything, it’s always good to study the basics first. Here are the top words most homeowners should learn before starting any house project:

Photo by Eugen Str on Unsplash

“Remodeling” is often broadly used to describe any kind of change to an existing house. Technically, it’s more accurate to say that remodel means to change the character of a house or a portion of a house. So when you convert a den into a master bedroom you’re remodeling the den. Source: Zillow

A term used in carpentry to describe a carpenter who has completed an apprentice program in a local union. The term may also apply to any carpenter who has extensive experience in the carpentry trade.

Load-bearing wall
Any wall in the structure that acts as foundational support for a load resting upon it. These walls are usually composed of sturdy materials, such as brick, block or concrete. Source: AngiesList

General contractor
The person responsible for the day-to-day oversight of the remodeling project. Most states require the general contractor to be licensed, bonded, and insured. This is usually your point person for questions and communications.

Gut a room
Remove everything from a room, including the wall covering, until all that’s left are the framing, subfloor, and what’s inside the walls. Source: HouseBeautiful

If you think this refers to the relaxation and recreation you’ll enjoy once your renovation is complete, think again. “R&R” is the term contractors frequently use (and that you may see on their invoice) to mean “remove and replace.” It describes a simple renovation project that involves removing and replacing cabinetry, fixtures, and/or appliances without structural or mechanical changes (the latter of which is something you might do to a kitchen or bathroom). Source: Realtor

Worry less and save more when you leave your home remodeling to us! Call us to get a free estimate.

Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8279 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4W1
(604) 360-2114

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